Tougher than Disneyland

Disneyland lines

We managed to hit the cruise terminal along with the majority of the other passengers, so we experienced the full delight of snaking through winding Disneyland-style lines to make our way to the ship. The line started outside the building and when we finally made it into the building we were delighted with our progress. Being Seattleites, we were of course already wilting from the sun and the 75̊ weather. As we made our way into the large warehouse room full of snaking lines, we could feel the anticipation that soon we would be on the ship. We finally made our way to the front of the line, passed through the security screening, and on through the curtain… to another large warehouse of cruisers in lines that wound all over the room.

Warehouse One – You may think this picture is blurry, but it’s actually because everyone was moving sooo fast!

Warehouse One

This is also when we realized that we are some of the younger folks on this trip.

There’s a young’n!

At this point the whines of the disgruntled became louder. We heard a lot of griping, but we were just so happy to be there that even I did not start whining! Apparently this particular terminal has limited gangplank capacity, so Princess had to make do with only one gangplank, which slowed things considerably. We persevered, though, troopers that we are, and eventually made our way to the ship. Let the fun begin!


Warehouse One

After we caught a bus to the ship terminal, we began the arduous task of boarding.  Of course we arrived at the same time as several thousand other passengers.  If we had waited an hour or two things would have gone much faster.  On the other hand, hanging out at the airport longer did not sound that appealing either!

First we stood in a long, slow line to get into the door of the terminal.  Then we continued to stand in a long, slow line to get through the security check.  Next we got in a long, slow line to check in and get room cards assigned to us.  Finally, we got in another long, slow line to board the ship.  All in all it took us just under two hours from the time we got in the fist line to the time we boarded.

– M

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