À bien tôt

Now that we’ve been back for a few days, we’ve had time to settle back into old routines and reflect a bit on what a great trip we had. There are also little memories that come back at odd moments. Hearing the birds this morning reminded me of the little bird that briefly perched on our balcony railing on the day we were finally nearing land after many days at sea. Seeing that little guy was an indicator that we were going to see dry land again and also made me think of the early explorers who were so thrilled to see bird life because it meant land was near.

The flight home went amazingly quickly. What a difference it makes to fly an airline (we flew Icelandair) that provides free movies and TV shows. We each watched two movies and by the time we had settled in, had something to eat, and watched our movies, it was less than two hours to Seattle. I barely had time to try and sleep! But at last we were home to an exuberant greeting by Raven, and we were delightfully surprised when Keenan came home for the day on Sunday. We had a chance to tell him at least a few more adventures, but with more to come. Yes, there are some truly great things about getting home from a long trip.

One thing we did not have on our trip was access to any news, especially on the ship. Wow, I really liked that! I am a bit of a news junky but it was refreshing to just not hear anything. And the world continued along on its own, even without our knowledge. Now that we’re home and seeing headlines again, I want to cover my ears, stick my head in the sand, and just continue to ignore it all! Although I suppose if we continued to do that, we would not hear about the new places to eat which are always opening in Ballard.

We have both had a lot of fun posting on this blog. At times it might feel like a bit of a chore after a strenuous day of touristing, but mostly it was a kick to relive the day’s adventures, review our pictures, and share at least a few highlights. It’s been very rewarding to hear back from many of you how much you have enjoyed this. We are inspired to perhaps continue with future blogs of trips we may take. We’ll keep you posted!


Until our next adventure

2 thoughts on “À bien tôt

  1. Or, as Claude would put it, Oink bientot.

    I thoroughly enjoyed MT Pockets. (Where does that name come from?) You became one of my go-to places to de-stress. Thanks for making the effort to post very frequently. A good read, and you gave me ideas for the Noble Eight.

    Meant to ask a while back: What did you do with Raven while you were gone?

    The No News Zone: Holy cow! When I was in Greece in 1994 I got completely away from the OJ case. Plus the World Cup was going on and boy are those Europeans nuts for soccer! Sorry you had to return to all the election news. I feel kind of sorry for Romney, since a lot of people won’t vote for him just because he is a Mormon. Especially when there are plenty of other good reasons to not vote for him.

    • The MT of course stands for Mike and Tami. The pun is to read it as empty. We wanted mtminds, but someone already had that.

      We had a house sitter stay with Raven. Raven is much happier being in her own house than going to stay somewhere else. She ADORES her sitter, and vice versa, so it works out well.

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