Layering Up For Spring

Spring has sprung

Here it is, the first of April and there are signs that Spring has finally sprung. Tulips are up in the yard and itty bitty green leaves are showing on the Styrax, but it is still so cold! So it’s time to get out of town again. Hmm, which way will we head this time? Hey, let’s go north, to Alaska! If we’re cold now, why not get colder and head north with the migrating whales? They must know something.

Yes, that mossy part is our driveway.

Last year was the Year of Sweat. We went to Houston to watch the Sounders lose their opener and it was hot and muggy. We went to Panama and experienced wonderful places and sights, but we sweated buckets. We rode our bikes to Vancouver, BC, and got stinky every day. We went camping in Eastern Washington during the hottest week of a very hot year. We built a boat during a whirlwind week of physical labor and long hours, then we capped off the summer with a week of bicycling the famous and wonderful Katy Trail in Missouri during a week of, you guessed it, unseasonably hot and humid weather. Sweat defined 2017, so we’re thinking 2018 may be the year of layering.

We enjoyed our Uncruise adventure to Panama so much that we decided to try them out on a little longer adventure and their season opener from Seattle to Juneau seemed to fit the bill perfectly. We will embark right here in Seattle and the ship takes a leisurely two weeks to make its way to Juneau. We hope to see lots of wildlife and gorgeous scenery, take some challenging hikes, kayak in quiet waters, and eat fantastic food.

Got to get that man out of that CHAIR!

This trip requires a little different wardrobe than last year’s adventures. We expect plenty of rain and grey skies, but we’re used to that. We are amping up on such things as rain pants, thick socks, and bushwhacking rubber boots, though. Alaska takes clouds and rain and wilderness to a whole new level, and we hope we will be prepared for it. At least we won’t need any immunizations this time, and on Uncruise we know we won’t need anything fancy!

Not packing light this time!

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