Exploring Missoula

Corey and I have very different styles for bike touring. He values being prepared, while I put a premium on getting my fat ass up the hills. As such, he has a lot more gear than I do. After seeing how I was packed into two panniers to his four, he suggested maybe we could go through his pile together to do some winnowing, though it may be me that ends up wishing I had packed differently. In any event, there is now a small pile that will get home through other means, which may make the following days go just a bit easier. I only hope that nothing we culled out will be regretted down the road! (Mike, why did we take out my pants?)

After breakfast we took the bikes out for a test ride to check that we had not missed anything in the reassembly. Missoula has a great bike trail network that we were able to follow almost the whole way to Scott’s house. Did I say how much I like this town?

Scott then led us on some beautiful and quiet backroads, ending up at a park on the grounds of the old Fort Missoula. We toured some various historic buildings that had been moved there as well as a nice history museum.

At Fort Missoula

More of the fort.

Also at the fort museum.

The history was not all positive, the fort having been used both in the repression of local Native Americans and for housing Japanese non-citizens and other “non-resident aliens” during WWII. On the other hand, the fort history also included having been home to a black regiment in the early 1900’s, some of whom participated in a great experiment with mounting soldiers on bicycles. At one point they cycled all the way from Missoula to St. Louis, without the benefit of significant roads. Makes our trip look like nothing!

(T: here is a link to a PBS feature on the Bicycle Corps. Amazing story- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNnTSD219GA )

I was also able to find a shop that was able to adjust my bottom bracket, not the easiest thing to find on a Sunday. And then they only charged me $15 for probably an hours worth of work! I was gobsmacked.

Come evening, Scott picked us back up for dinner at his house. His wife has a family recipe for chimichurri sauce, an Argentinian sauce that is wonderful on beef and just about anything else. Scott grilled steaks, which went perfectly. When I told Tami later she was very jealous, as steak with chimichurri is one of her all time favorite things.

Where Scott lives- wow!

The view from the porch. Not bad, not bad.

Sharing Ardbeg. Why bother going on the ride?

By the way, since I do not have Tami along taking pictures, I will be leaning on Corey a bit. He has a knack for it.

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