Fiddling Around On Cape Breton


Interesting building with lots of exits. Noticed parking spots with a sign saying "heads up!"

Interesting building with lots of exits. Noticed parking spots with a sign saying “heads up!”

And what might be going on in there?

And what might be going on in there?

We had two goals today – find some good Cape Breton music and find some Glen Breton single malt whiskey. Cape Breton is an area with strong Scottish roots, so both the music and whiskey reflect that influence. Cape Breton is an island in Nova Scotia, and the town we docked in is Sydney.

Typical local dress

Typical local dress

Tami and her new friend

Tami and her new friend

Fairly early on we stopped in a shoe store to look at some boots. The proprietor was very friendly and we got to chatting with him, and Tami got to meet Jack, the shop’s friendly yellow lab. The proprietor had actually spent some time in BC, living in Masset on Haida Gwaii for several years, so we compared notes on last night’s Seahawks game (how’d they pull THAT out?). He also told us about a small shop off the main drag that he thought might have some local cd’s. We checked out the shop, and not only did they have a good music selection, but the clerk was a music fan herself and steered us to several cd’s she thought were particularly good. Tami is coming home with quite the stack of new music, none of which we have heard a note of yet.

Glen Grant and friend

Glen Grant and friend

Fiddling feet moving to the beat.

Fiddling feet moving to the beat.

Not only that, but she told us about a pub down the street that should be playing music for the lunch crowd. Of course we headed over there next. In addition to some good local beers and lobster rolls (again), there was a local fiddler playing, accompanied by a guitarist from the Outer Hebrides in Scotland (about as remote a place as Cape Breton). Put all that together and we had a VERY good lunch.

Mike also found his whiskey. Glen Breton produces a single malt very much in the style of a good Scotch, as opposed to most whiskey distilled in Canada which is rye whiskey (usually just called “Canadian” whiskey). Until just the last few years when a couple of new places sprang up, Glen Breton was the only distillery in Canada producing a Scotch style single malt. We were able to pick up several bottles from different bottlings. One is even aged in icewine barrels to give it a slightly different character. Can’t wait to get home and try them!

Tami's flag collection.

Tami’s flag collection.

Tami also expanded her flag collection. So far she has picked up four different regional flags, and hopes to find a few more before we are done. Next summer we might be sporting an all Canadian flag display on the back porch.

We also managed to connect with Keenan today. He is on the move across the country now. It sounds like he is doing well, though due to his single speed bike and the fact it is fully loaded for travel, he is having to get off and push when he gets to hills. It’s a good thing he picked a relatively flat country!

We once again had beautiful weather, unseasonably warm for this area. The only downside is that the changing leaves are delayed so we are only seeing hints of the autumn colors. It’s a fair trade-off, though, for such beautiful weather.



Pilot boat pulling away.

Pilot boat pulling away.


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