Favorites from Ponta Delgada

The night before getting to Ponta Delgada we watched The Artist out on deck.  This is called the Movies Under the Stars.  It is a fun way to spend an evening.  They serve popcorn and you curl up under a blanket.They even come around with milk and cookies during the show. May not be doing this again as it is getting cooler as we head north towards Ireland.

As we were walking around town we say this great mural down by the industrial part of the waterfront.  There were cars parked in front so it was hard to take pictures of more than just parts of the mural, but this is one of my favorite scenes.  The whole style of the mural is just to strange for words, which is of course why I liked it so much.  In the part you can’t see there are more fish coming to eat the fish hamburger.

Finally, I saw this on a wall on a street we were walking down.  I have no idea what it means.  It was in a shopping area so it may have had something to do with a shop, but I’m not sure what.  Doggie lingerie?

Tami got a bad case of the tired feet soon after (can you believe she plays that much soccer?), so we went and had a beer and checked email.


2 thoughts on “Favorites from Ponta Delgada

  1. I rooted for the Sounders on your behalf last night. They were very organized and creative, beating Chicago 2 0. I got MLS Season pass. the island looked great.

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