Indigenous People’s Day!

We woke to clear blue skies which seemed surprising after yesterday’s storm, but it made us quite happy. Back to wearing shorts! We had to spend the entire morning preparing and running payroll remotely, but it was good to get that task done and have it work smoothly. On to having fun! Of course what with sleeping late and running payroll, we didn’t get out of here until about 11:30. However, that just means we made it to our first stop just in time for lunch!

Our first stop today was the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (thanks for the tip, Julie!). Being starved at this point (MAYBE an overstatement), we headed first for the attached restaurant. Tami had the blue corn enchiladas with green chilies and grilled chicken – yum! Mike had a wonderful posole that was amazingly thick with pork and hominy. (Mike is on a mission to try pozole/posole at as many places as possible on this trip, though we also have to follow up on Julie recommendation to try the green chili burgers as well).

The museum itself features the 19 Pueblos of the region and we learned a lot about the local people and their culture, history, and art. It was also an Indigenous Day festival so there were some speakers in the courtyard and LOTS of teenagers running loose throughout the museum. We survived quite well, though, and made it into the gift shop to scope things out (less teens in there).

We next headed down to the Old Town part of Albuquerque and discovered far more good quality galleries than we had really anticipated. There were certainly plenty of touristy little tchotchke shops, but we found many better shops that kept us busy shopping and chatting with people. The Seattle ‘thing’ continued and we met more people who have either lived there, know someone who just moved there, or really want to visit. Our favorite find was the raven sculpture that blended NW and SW native design work – and you gotta love the shoes! We understand the artist is from the SW, but spent some time in the NW.

SW/NW Raven

SW/NW Raven

Tami found some beautiful jewelry and Mike found, well, Mike got two pairs of socks. But don’t feel too sorry for him. He did try on some gorgeous bracelets, including the beautiful Zuni bracelet that emitted a loud ‘CRACK’ as he tried to put it on. The clerk grabbed his hand away, we all gasped, and it was hurriedly examined for damage. Phew, it was all right! They were very good natured about it but we were very relieved.

In another shop, after we had discussed some art we liked with each other and the clerk, the other clerk asked us if we were newlyweds. We looked at each other, thinking “Whaaat?” We replied, that no, we had been married 35 years. She seemed surprised, and said “but you both seem to get along so well”. I guess they see a lot of older couples shopping who spend more time crabbing at each other. (We just save the crabbing until we get home.)

We also found a tour that we thought Melinda and Kevin would enjoy if they ever make it here. Wish we had time to fit it in.

See the carwash! See Walter's house!

See the carwash! See Walter’s house!

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