
Yesterday we made a trip into town to get the convertible top on the M repaired.  There is an old slit in the canvas from some vandalism years ago.  For driving around town we have just covered it with black duct tape, but we discovered that at highway speed (especially when you get down here in the land of 80 mile per hour speed limits), the tape pretty quickly starts lifting up, then making loud flapping noises, and finally peels off completely (and presumably attaches itself to the windshield of the car behind us).  We found a shop that was able to glue on a patch that while not pretty, should get us home better than any homemade fix we might have come up with.

blog 6-4 While we were waiting for the repair to be made, we made our usual pilgrimage to the place we believe to be the best food in St. George, not to mention our favorite taqueria anywhere – Irmita’s.

When we first discovered Irmita’s years ago it was in a little shack on the side of the road.  The next time we went looking for it, the shack had lost out to some new development, but  they had found some space in a gas station.  blog 6-5On this trip we discovered they had found a new slightly-better-than-the-shack location in downtown St. George.

From prior experience we knew that their pork is incredible.  Pulled and then fried.  Tami went for the quesadilla, while Mike went for the mulita.  Both were as good as we remembered.  The pinto beans on the side are also the best we’ve had.

Just to make you drool, here are a couple of pictures: blog 6-3blog 6-2

Oh, and Mike was thrilled to have real hot sauce, unlike anything on offer in Seattle anywhere!

We will make a point of stopping at Irmita’s anytime we find ourselves near St. George.  We just wish there was some way to get them up to the Northwest. (Sorry Keenan, it wouldn’t travel well.)

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