Golden Circle

Based on recommendations, we decided to do what is referred to as the “Golden Circle” tour. While it is the most popular and well-traveled route in Iceland, that does not mean it is crowded. We saw very few other cars on the entire 150-plus km route and really had the road to ourselves.



The first stop was Thingvellir, known as the site of the “Old Parliament”. Basically this is the location where for hundreds of years the chieftains from around Iceland would gather to review the existing law (before writing, it was a custom the recite aloud to the assembly a section of the oral law tradition) and consider new laws. The history was very interesting, but the site was also very dramatic. Apparently it is right on a tectonic spreading zone and the fault creates some very dramatic cliffs. there was also a river running through the midst of it that was full of returning salmon.

River at Pinvellir

River at Thingvellir

The next stop was Geysir, sort of a mini Yellowstone, with many bubbling pools, mud pots and several geysers. The main geyser erupts every 5-10 minutes, so we were able to hang out and watch it go several times.

Second eruption, when Tami stuck around to take a picture

Second eruption, when Tami stuck around to take a picture

They let you get much closer than at Yellowstone. Tami was trying to get some good pictures, but the first time it went off, it was so sudden and close that Tami nearly dropped her camera as her immediate automatic reaction was to jump back and turn away to run. She did better for the second eruption.

Thar she blows!

Thar she blows!

The final stop on the Golden Tour was Gullfoss, a very dramatic and powerful water fall. We did not stay too long as the wind was strong there, which combined with the low temperature was chilling us to the bone. Again, we were allowed to get very close, within a few feet, so the raw power was felt as much as seen.




It was cold!

It was cold!

We also made a brief stop at a small lake within a very steep-sided crater, Kerid, that was recommended by one of clerks we talked with about touring. This was also beautiful, but also very exposed and thus even windier and colder than Gullfoss, so our stay was quick.
On the drive back to Reykjavik we passed through more dramatic lava grounds and long the coast lined with black sand and rocks. It’s a constant reminder of the dramatic forces that created this land and we frequently wondered what a winter in this place must be like. Maybe we’ll try that next time!

Black lava, green lichen

Black lava, green lichen

The beauty of Iceland

The beauty of Iceland

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